Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Emerald Isle

2 weeks after arriving in London I jumped on a plane to Dublin. I'm lucky to know a family there because one of my best friends in Charleston calls Dublin home. Over the years I've gotten to know his family during their long summer holidays in Charleston. My visit was nowhere near long enough but I felt like I got to experience life in Ireland in my short time there and I will always be grateful for the White family who welcomed me into their home. 

When I arrived, we went strait to a 6th century monastery called Glendalough, the Gaelic name translates to “valley of the two lakes". . It was like stepping back in time, the site was the epitome of what I imagined Irish Gothic would look like. Seeing the construction, it was hard to believe much of it was 1500 years old.
Some goats nibbling in the mist
A valley in the Wicklow Mountains
A rainy day in the hills!

The Whites took me for a lovely meal my first night and then we went out on the town. The strangest encounter of the night was a double decker bus converted into a food truck with seating on the upper deck. Someone with a double decker in Charleston, I hope you are reading this - make it happen!  It was nice to catch up with Ciaran White and I got to meet his girlfriend Erna, from Iceland.

Big Blue!

Old Friends and New
The next day we went over to see the Arthur Guinness brewery to see where the black stuff has been made since 1759.

No way I was moving that door
It is never a good idea to take a picture of a picture, but it was the only way to capture an old photo I found at the Guinness brewery. It's hard to imagine, all those barrels were carved by hand at the Arthur Guinness factory.

Pyramid of Guinness

My last, and favorite stop of the trip was to a small pub up in the Wicklow Mountains right outside of Dublin called "The Blue Light Bar". There was live music that consisted of a couple guys with only a guitar and a banjo playing some classic tunes. It was perfect. The bar overlooks the city of Dublin right down to the Irish Sea, definitely a great setting to commemorate my trip to Ireland. Even an Irish Rainbow -

I ate the Skittles on the flight back

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